nature-based products with scientific accuracy
nature-based products with scientific accuracy
PHYTOMETRIA unites experts who are guided by common ideals and values
We convinced of the potential of nature diversity.
We know that the untapped possibilities of nature and its regional diversity will let us increase the effectiveness of treatment.
Scientific methodology underlines all our work.
We believe that only systemic knowledge of both nature and human beings can guarantee the development of nature-based medicine.
We stand for systemic interaction.
We do not reject best practices and current achievements. Treatment may consist of a reasonable balance of nature-based and synthesised medications complement each other effectively.
is an international scientific and technological platform, which purpose is the development and using of the highest quality standards and the best world technological tools in the field of creation and production of natural medicines. Scientific approach is our key instrument of progress.

At PHYTOMETRIA we have three goals:
More benefits from nature
Even now, with the help of our scientific approach, we are striving to achieve greater therapeutic effects from nature than before.
We do our best to make nature-based medicines highly effective in their therapeutic areas.
New relationships between doctors and patients
We promote formation of a new
On the one hand, using educational
and the balance of their roles in the
treatment process.
generation of doctors and patients
programs, we urge doctors to take
more responsibility not only for the
effectiveness of treatment, but also for its quality.
Contribution to solving global problems
We know that treatment can become
more natural, while maintaining and
multiplying its high efficiency.
A high safety profile, fewer side
effects, low toxicity and a wide
range of therapeutic action at an
affordable price are the obvious
benefits of nature-based medicine that are improving health care today.
We promote the formation of a new generation of doctors and patients and the balance of their roles in the treatment process. On the one hand, by using educational programmes, we urge doctors to take more responsibility not only for the effectiveness of treatment but also for its quality. We also encourage the consideration of nature-based remedies first and foremost when appropriate. On the other hand, by raising awareness and responsibility, we form a new proactive patient.

We know that treatment can become more natural while maintaining and multiplying its efficiency. A high safety profile, fewer side effects, low toxicity and a wide range of therapeutic actions at an affordable price are the obvious benefits of nature-based medicine that are improving health care today.

The project was launched on the research and production base of a number of partners, who are recognized leaders in their fields of expertise:

Partners of the project
(Arterium Corporation)

Innovative production of nature-based medicines which meets international quality standards

Scientists and researchers from the Medicinal Plants Research Station with more than 100 years of scientific expertise

Research institutions
Leading experts from international universities including the University of Ljubljana

We never violate our work principles.
We are focused on progress.
In order to create new effective products, we are constantly evolving: looking for new insights, creating new inventions, training our employees, updating technologies and processes.
We are open to dialogue.
Also to new ideas, reviews, decisions and methods that improve us or our products. We believe in dialogue with our consumers, doctors and media.
We are responsible to consumers, doctors and nature.
We are responsible not only for our product, but also for training in all the nuances of its purpose and raising the awareness of doctors, patients and society as a whole. We also follow the principles of responsible consumption of natural resources and support environmental initiatives.
We respect other opinions.
We accept other points of view and methods of treatment that are different from ours and do not impose our own. We stand for diversity of opinion, freedom of thought and fair competition.
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